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Many Saint Louis University 学生邮件服务 services have recently changed to 帮助我们的员工更好地服务学生和住在校园的员工. 

A mailroom worker surrounded by packages hands a student (seen from the back) his mail

We offer campus mail and other mail services, including stamps, Priority mail, Priority 快件和其他USPS服务. 由于2019冠状病毒病大流行,我们需要 everyone who enters the mailroom to have an appointment, including for package pick-up 邮资购买.



如果您有任何疑问,请致电314-977-1128或发送电子邮件 slumailroom@taxidalat24h.net. 没有预约请不要进来. 


Each package will be stored in one of two places: the back of the mailroom or the BSC一楼的蓝色储物柜. 收到包裹的学生将被罚款 发了一封邮件告诉我具体地点.

  • 如果您的包裹在收发室: 你r email will have a storage location and a link to make an appointment to pick 打包好你的包裹. 系统还会提示您填写您的MSC(邮箱)号码 如您收到的电子邮件中包含的位置. 然后你将进入收发室 at the time you chose with a photo ID (博彩网址大全 ID, driver’s license, passport, etc.), 工作人员会在你的包裹上签字. 你有14天的时间来取货 收发室寄来的包裹.
  • 如果你的包裹在储物柜里: 你r email will state this, you will be provided with a one-time code you will 用来打开储物柜取出你的包裹. 储物柜系统的屏幕 他会告诉你整个过程吗. 因为这些包裹可以在没有 appointments and during any hours the BSC is open, the pick-up window is shorter; 你有两天时间从储物柜里取包裹.


Similar to a package arrival, you will receive an email that you have letter mail 可领取,以及一个链接,使预约. 而不是使用 your key to retrieve mail from your 盒子, our staff will retrieve your letter mail 为你. 这意味着您将没有钥匙来跟踪. 你会收到 a 通知 when you have letter mail and can pick up both your letter mail and 邮件收发室里的所有包裹.


博彩网址大全 学生邮件服务 accepts cash, credit/debit cards or Billiken Bucks as payment 邮票/邮资. 我们不接受灵活付款、支票或Apple Pay. 定价 有关统一费率套餐和特快费率的信息,请参阅 美国邮政网站.


Packages being sorted and ready for student pick-up at the 博彩网址大全 mail room during move-in 周.

大多数承运商直接送货给我们. UPS, FedEx, DHL等快递均可接收 在不同时期 the day; there is no set time 为你 to check on a delivery, but we always check 凡事都是在我们领受的那一天.

USPS packages will usually take an extra 工作日 or so after it says "Delivered" to 博彩网址大全的收发室. 在这种情况下,“交付”意味着它是在提供全方位服务的邮局 在圣. Louis; after that it is brought to us usually either that morning or the next 工作日. 因此,确认在周五至周日送达的包裹将被接受 可于两个工作天内送达学生邮件服务部.



If you have a mail盒子 on campus, any mail you receive should be addressed as follows:

First and Last Name (as listed on Banner; no 昵称, middle names, etc!)
MSC # ___
St. 路易斯,密苏里州63103

  • 所有邮件都应该包含所有这些信息! 这意味着邮件不应该写地址 没有你的名字和你的MSC(邮箱)号码. 邮件不应该写地址 寄到你的宿舍地址,或寄到北格兰大道1号.
  • Our system pulls from Banner, thus we work from those names, so please do not use 昵称. 请使用您的法定全名(姓和名). 你的MSC号码是你的 您可以在Banner的个人信息下面找到您的邮箱号码. 它是 所有邮件地址正确是很重要的. 不正确的地址减慢/干扰 with our processes, confuse carriers, will cause you to wait longer to receive 你的邮件.
  • If you have subscriptions that have an incomplete address, please take the time to 更新它们. 请告诉你的家人和朋友你的正确地址.
我的包裹上说已经送达了,但是我还没有收到邮件. 它在哪里?? 我什么时候能收到电子邮件?

它是 our policy to check in every package the day that we receive it, even if it 意味着要在我们的营业时间之后才结束. 在我们最忙的时候,我们可以 落后半天.

请注意: Due to extra processing, USPS packages usually take an extra 工作日 or so after 报告上说"已送达"到达博彩网址大全收发室. “已交付”是指它处于 提供全方位服务的邮局在St. 路易和他的人要么在那天早上被带到我们这里来 或者下个工作日. 美国邮政是唯一经过这些额外流程的运营商, so we recommend having anything time-sensitive or perishable sent through another 运输公司(UPS, FedEx等),因为他们直接送货到我们的收发室.

If it's been a couple of days, you still haven't received an e-mail, you are always welcome to e-mail us the package's tracking number and we will be happy to look further 给你讲讲.

While we do check 凡事都是在我们领受的那一天, with the current appointment system, we cannot guarantee an appointment will be available the day you receive your 通知. 在将包裹发送给学生邮件服务时,请记住这一点.

我的邮件地址写错了. 它会发生什么?

Any piece of mail that is missing information or has incorrect information will be 单独处理,所以您可能需要更长时间才能收到. 我们会一直 我们是否尽力把每一封邮件送到正确的收件人. 确认你的 mail includes all the correct information will help ensure that all of 你的邮件 is 尽可能快速准确地交付给您.

我有一个预付标签的包裹,我想要寄出. 我可以把它放在哪里吗 校园里的收发室?

If you have a USPS pre-paid package to send out, please make an appointment to drop 在学生邮件服务中心 Appointy

If your pre-paid package is through another carrier (UPS, FedEx, etc), we ask that you bring it to a store that is able to scan it (a UPS store, a FedEx drop-off, etc.). DuBourg Hall一楼有联邦快递的投递点.

是的. 电子邮件 slumailroom@taxidalat24h.net 上面写着你允许取包裹的人的名字. 那个人 来的时候需要带自己带照片的身份证件吗. 你们中的任何一个都可以 以您(包裹收件人)的名义预约. 
I live off campus; can I use an on-campus mail盒子?

At this time we do not have the capacity to continue our mail盒子 rental policy for 校外的学生. 请把所有信件寄到你所居住的地址 或者寄到附近的校外USPS.O. 盒子.

要关闭您的邮箱,请访问学生邮件服务. 我们的校园 address is not able to be listed in change of address forms, so you will need to change 你网上账户上的个人地址. 欢迎您留言转发 address with us, we can forward any important letter mail you may receive here 最多六个月. 我们不提供免费转寄包裹,所以请确保 您订购的所有包裹都有正确的地址.


此时,每个进入邮件收发室的人都必须事先预约. 你可以做 an appointment for shipping/buying postage and also for package pick-up and/or letter 邮件提取. 

  • When making your appointment for package pick-up, fill out the MSC and location in 您收到的我们的电子邮件通知.
  • We ask that you please wait until after you have received a 通知 from us that 你的包裹在你预约之前就到了. 如果你想要多个 packages, please try and wait until you've received all the 通知s you're expecting for that day so that you are able to list all of your package locations in the note 你的预约.
  • Our system does not allow 为你 to make more than one appointment per day, so please pick up all of your packages within the same appointment and list all of the package “包位置”行中的位置.
  • If you make an appointment, please show up for the appointment within the 10-minute 时间由你选择,而不是之前或之后. 我们把包裹排在前面等待领取 of time, so if you do not show up, we will have to spend extra time putting them back.
  • If you make an appointment and then realize you can't make it, please cancel the appointment 所以其他人可能有机会选择那个预约时段.
  • Please also note that our system does not allow for appointments to be canceled/rescheduled 在最后一分钟或约会结束后. 在这些情况下,您将拥有 重新开始新的约会.