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Midwest Consortium – 情报 Community Center for Academic 卓越 (MW-IC CAE)

Increasing Student Success, Building Vital Partnerships, Inviting Individuals Become Part of an Intellectually Diverse, Active Learning Community as They Prepare 从事情报工作

The Midwest Consortium - 情报 Community Center for Academic 卓越 (MW-IC CAE) at Saint Louis University is a cross-institutional community of educators committed to facilitating collaborative relationships 和 training the next generation of intelligence 军官.

Spanning geographic, socioeconomic 和 demographic boundaries, this partnership between urban, rural 和 historically black colleges 和 institutions — Saint Louis University,  林肯大学哈里斯斯托州立大学 — will recruit 和 educate talented, diverse students interested in careers in the 情报和国家安全领域.

The Midwest Consortium - 情报 Community Center for Academic 卓越 will provide the intelligence community with well-trained employees with a background in 战略情报和STEM. 与该联盟有关联的毕业生将获得 able to solve complex problems while leveraging their diversity 和 life experiences 和 harnessing the skills 和 opinions gained through their different ethnic, racial, 性别和地理背景.



Support all students in pursuit of their academic goals in intelligence/STEM degrees, 和 in doing so impact academic success, retention 和 graduation rates by:

  • 提高学生对智力和STEM课程的认识
  • Increasing access to 和 facilitating the use of resources by consortium partners
  • Assisting underrepresented 和 diverse students in developing the skills necessary 在IC获得就业机会
  • 通过维持学者项目来支持学生的成就

Engage in collaborative leadership with campus units 和 intelligence community partners to:

  • Integrate academic success skills 和 strategies into consortium events, initiatives 和程序
  • Contribute expertise to departments, units 和 committees regarding intelligence/STEM 情报部门的问题和职业机会


  • Enhancing the professional development of consortium faculty 和 staff, including 研究生和本科生 
  • Engaging in data tracking, full cycle assessment, strategic planning 和 reporting to remain on the cutting edge of trends 和 information relevant to career placement 在情报界内部 
  • Fully meet the 10 objectives outlined in the Midwest Consortium - 情报 Community 学术卓越中心提案
  • Focus on 情报 Community Directive (ICD) 203, Analytic St和ards


The intelligence community has recognized the importance of having a diverse workforce — both to ensure that it performs at its best 和 to ensure that it maintains the 美国人民的信心. 然而,尽管有各种正在进行的努力来解决 diversity concerns, data shows disparities 和 challenges for many groups still persist.

The Midwest Consortium - 情报 Community Center for Academic 卓越 at Saint Louis University will strive to train a  workforce representing the full spectrum of diversity — including national origin, language, race, color, mental or physical abilities, ethnicity, age, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender, identity or expression, socioeconomic status, veteran status 和 family structure.

在其他努力中,该财团将与 Saint Louis University's Division of Diversity 和 Innovative Community Engagement (骰子) 和 affiliated centers to publicize events for faculty 和 students. 合作 with DICE, the consortium will co-host diverse speakers related to STEM 和 National 情报. Additionally, a DICE representative will serve on the Midwest Consortium - 情报 Community Center for Academic 卓越 advisory board.



乔·D. 里昂,Ph值.D.
Director 和 Assistant Professor of Security 和 战略情报

史蒂文·温顿 headshot, wearing dark suit, light shirt 和 light blue tie.

Director 和 Associate Professor of 领导与组织发展