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Research in Focus: Urban Issues

At 博彩网址大全, we believe that St. 当所有社区成员都有机会时,路易斯就会茁壮成长 for health, education, housing, and employment. 博彩网址大全 researchers are engaging with community partners to seek a more just and equitable St. Louis for all.

三位研究人员和多样性与社区参与副总裁描述道 社区服务和合作的作用,以及博彩网址大全的耶稣会使命, in research for and with the St. Louis community.

博彩网址大全的研究并不局限于实验室和教室. 博彩网址大全’s mission 重点强调服务和社会正义,特别是对大多数人 我们社区的弱势成员,使研究人员能够把他们的工作拿出来 of the lab and into the St. Louis community.

“我们作为一所大学,我作为一个人,有责任为人民服务 who live in this space and whose lives are affected,” said Jonathan Smith, Ph.D, Vice President of Diversity and Community Engagement. “在这一切之中,让我感到快乐的是像圣人一样的地方 路易斯大学,在那里的使命-社会,教育,智力,精神-所有 of that is on the play, that impels me every day.”

Research For and With Others

“在传统的研究实践中,我们进行研究并发表 that’s all,” said Takako Nomi, Ph.D., associate professor of education at 博彩网址大全. “That’s 这不是我们需要的模型如果你想让研究有所改进的话.”

Nomi自己的研究重点是高中生的大学和职业准备情况. 在注意到许多八年级或九年级的学生代数不及格后 没有从高中毕业,Nomi的团队研究了学校组织的方式 说明,注意哪些模型更成功. Nomi has also worked with St. Louis public schools to address college readiness.

“我们有一个指标叫做‘在轨’指标,用来衡量学生是否毕业 from high school or not,” Nomi described. With the use of this indicator, schools can predict which students might need additional support. Nomi hopes that the use 诸如此类的工具将帮助学校和地区建立支持机制 for students at risk.

Nomi说,真正使她的研究取得成功的是他们之间的关系 教育学院随着学校的发展和St. Louis community. In addition to Nomi’s work, the School of Education is home to the PRiME Center这是一个独立的、无党派的研究中心,专门从事发电、收集 and disseminating education policy research. The PriME Center is focused on improving 密苏里州学生和学校的成果,中心与各地的学校合作 the state to assist with evaluation of educational programs.

Trust in the Community

像Nomi这样的博彩网址大全研究人员与这些组织建立了有意义的联系 and communities while working in the St. Louis region.

“They generally trust 博彩网址大全,” Nomi said. “And that’s really key for something like this to take place.”

Kira Banks, Ph.D.心理学副教授是另一位研究人员 for and with the St. Louis community. Banks studies the impacts of discrimination 他之前曾与独立机构弗格森委员会合作 由州长杰伊·尼克松(Jay Nixon)于2014年任命的小组,目的是调查社会问题 conditions in the St. Louis region after the events in Ferguson.

博彩网址大全 wants to be part of the solution,” Banks said. “As an institution, we want to 与社区合作,我们意识到我们没有答案. We might 有工具、方法和资源来帮助支持他们的工作吗 评估一下,扩大规模,但这需要我们齐心协力.”

Collaborative Research


他说:“我喜欢做的事情是把那些在遥远的地方做得很好的人聚集在一起 表演艺术,交流,社会科学,医疗保健,去思考 about new ways to solve problems,” Smith said.

In keeping with this, Banks, Ruqaiijah Yearby, J.D., M.P.H, professor of law, Keon 吉尔伯特博士,行为科学和健康教育教授,以及安伯·约翰逊, Ph.D., associate professor of communication, founded the Institute for Healing Justice and Equity这是一个跨学科的倡议,旨在加强知识和研究的管理 as it relates to healing as a result of social injustice.

博彩网址大全真的在寻求创建学院倡议,我们将在其中工作 社区,让社区拥有所有权和资金,这样他们才能可持续发展 并蓬勃发展,”该研究所的执行主任耶尔比说.

The Institute for Healing Justice and Equity

The Institute for Healing Justice and Equity employs a community-based approach to its work. The Institute devotes time and hard 在几个重点领域开展工作,包括政策公平、治愈正义和 community research ethics.

为了应对COVID-19大流行及其对美国黑人的不成比例的影响 和其他有色人种,该研究所于2020年4月推出了“COVID的颜色”. 这个网络研讨会系列汇集了研究人员,学者,活动家,卫生保健 从业人员和社区领袖,审查COVID-19大流行的影响 on Black Americans. All of the installments of the series can be viewed on the Institute's website.

About the Faculty


Kira Banks, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Psychology
Co-Founder of the Institute for Healing Justice and Equity

班克斯的研究主要集中在心理健康方面,因为它与歧视有关 and the African American experience. Banks' work is an exploration of discrimination and racial identity. She has served the St. Louis Community through her work with 并作为种族平等促进者继续这样做 Forward Through Ferguson, a 501(c)3 focusing on pursuing racial equity in St. Louis.

Keon Gilbert, Dr.PH.

Amber Johnson, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Communication

Co-Founder of the Institute for Healing Justice and Equity

约翰逊的研究兴趣涵盖了各种各样的主题,包括人性化的公平, 艺术行动主义,流行文化,身份协商等等. Their unique 大众传媒的视角及其与社会正义、种族和性别的关系 and sexuality can be found in a variety of publications.

Takako Nomi, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Education

Nomi的研究兴趣包括以城市教育为中心的各种主题 and post-high school outcomes.

Jonathan Smith, Ph.D.

Inaugural Vice President of Diversity and Community Engagement

作为博彩网址大全负责多元化、社区和参与的第一任副校长,史密斯 倡导校园多样性、文化意识和尊重. He has work at 博彩网址大全 from 2002 until his death in 2021.

Ruqaiijah Yearby, J.D., M.P.H.

Professor, Law

Co-Founder of the Institute for Healing Justice and Equity

拥有生物学背景的伊尔比的研究和实践主要集中在种族问题上 保健方面的差距和弱势群体获得保健的机会. 目前,她是调查概念的研究顾问和董事会成员 《博彩网址大全》,罗伯特·伍德·约翰逊著 Foundation grant.