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The 研究所年度影响报告 is published annually for Saint 路易 大学、校友、朋友和恩人. 

The Impact Report shares the story of 博彩网址大全's rise as a preeminent research university 自2018年博彩网址大全研究所成立以来. 它包含消息 大学校长Fred P. Pestello, Ph值.D.,兼任博彩网址大全研究所所长 Ken Olliff, annual data on research growth at the University, interviews with 博彩网址大全 researchers, updates on research projects supported by the 研究 Institute.


A copy of the 2023 Impact Report 和 its cover slip st和ing against a white background


以下是本年度影响报告的专题报道. 故事是由 主题和可能出现在多个选项卡下. 

A student st和s on a lift with a large piece of equipment on his back in front of one of the latex dinosaurs.

Cagri Gul, master's 地理信息科学专业学生, gets situated with 在开始扫描乳胶T之前,请使用激光雷达背包扫描仪. 雷克斯在圣. 路易 科学中心,一组博彩网址大全研究人员帮助修复. 如图所示: Alifu Haireti, geospatial computing engineer with TGI, Mustafizur Rahaman, master's 地理信息科学专业学生.

这些故事的特点是对St. 路易斯地区及周边地区 communities that is conducted with partners at regional 和 national levels. 


A researcher wears the current prototype of the haptic device designed in partnership 与加劳德特大学和聋哑盲人社区的研究人员合作.

These stories spotlight new inventions developed by 博彩网址大全 researchers 和 novel applications 这所大学的研究成果.


A teen participates in an ADHD driving simulation training 和 assessments.

These stories highlight research that is comunity-oriented 和 informed by the University's 耶稣会的使命. 我们的研究人员不是简单地把社区作为“案例研究”,而是 rather try to underst和 the challenges 和 opportunities facing them holistically, 为他们提供解决方案.


Alameh speaking at Geo-Resolution 2023 as the executive director of TGI.

These stories feature research topics that are of particular relevance to today's 世界,如气候和技术.


Michael Dompke (left), senior mechanical engineering student 和 DARLA program manager, works with junior engineering student Adrian Acevedo to prepare a satellite for launch.



Ángeles Encinar博士.D., professor emeritus of Spanish literature at Saint 路易 University’s 马德里大学校园,在图书馆与学生聊天.

These stories highlight research that focuses on the human condition, covering research 在人文和社会科学领域.

In addition to the digital version, physical copies are available to members of the campus community upon request to the Office of the Vice President for 研究 和 合作伙伴关系.  如果您想索取实物副本,请填写 这个Google表单



The 博彩网址大全研究所 has published its 2022 Annual Impact Report, celebrating research successes from September 2021 to September 2022.


This latest edition showcases new developments in geospatial science, the humanities, 神经科学、增材制造等等. 


  • 大学校长Fred P. Pestello, Ph值.D.,以及研究所 导演肯·奥利夫
  • 整个大学的研究增长统计
  • A look at the impressive series of awards 博彩网址大全 humanists have received from the National 人文基金会(NEH)的收入
  • Areas of Focus: an update on the interdisciplinary work happening 在博彩网址大全 to address some of the world’s greatest challenges, including climate change 和 public health
  • An update from the Taylor Geospatial Institute 和 each of the institutes launched by 博彩网址大全 faculty with support 来自研究所, including two new projects: the 全球天主教研究中心 (CRGC) 和 the Institute for Translational 神经科学(ITN)
  • 第一批研究所研究员的传记
  • 博彩网址大全作者在过去一年中出版的书籍列表
  • 来自大学研究人员的公告 

《博彩网址大全》的封面描绘了一幅圣巴巴拉的地图. 路易区生成 泰勒地理空间研究所的研究人员. 


The 博彩网址大全研究所 has published its 2021 Annual Impact Report, celebrating research successes from September 2020 to September 2021.


The 2021 edition illustrates the breadth of 博彩网址大全’s research enterprise, highlighting significant milestones 和 successes from a diverse array of fields, including vaccine development, geospatial science, drug discovery, the humanities, social 和 health 不平等、植物科学等等.

A detailed account of how 博彩网址大全 researchers mobilized against the COVID-19 p和emic 今年也包括在内吗. 在过去的一年里,研究人员提供了关键的支持 to regional health departments, tested multiple vaccines, administered those same 跨St疫苗. 路易. 


  • 大学校长Fred P. Pestello, Ph值.D.,以及研究所 导演肯·奥利夫
  • 整个大学的研究增长统计
  • 采访博彩网址大全的每一位杰出研究员
  • Comprehensive updates from each of the institutes launched by faculty with support 来自研究所
  • 各研究所研究员简介
  • 来自大学研究人员的公告

The cover of the 2021 Impact Report pays tribute to the University’s Center for Vaccine 发展和数以百计的圣. 路易斯人自愿参与其中 该中心在过去一年中进行的COVID-19试验. 封面上的图表和相应的 inside page represents the more than 400 volunteers who enrolled in the Moderna trial 在博彩网址大全. 博彩网址大全 was one of the most highly enrolled sites in the Moderna trial, which 包括全国各地的网站.


The inaugural issue of the Annual Impact Report was published in 2020. 它涵盖了 在博彩网址大全研究所的头两年. 


The issue introduces a number of new initiatives launched with support from the 研究 Institute 和 highlights the various mechanisms for support that the 研究 Institute 管理,包括 大创意竞赛,研究成长基金 和 研究所研究员计划. The issue also sheds light on how 博彩网址大全 researchers persevered through the historic challenges of 2020, guiding their existing research programs through unprecedented challenges while making meaningful contributions in the fight against COVID-19.


Work on the 2024 issue of the 博彩网址大全 研究所年度影响报告 will begin 2024年夏天. 这期杂志将涵盖2023年9月1日至2020年的研究成果 2024年9月1日. 

As was the case in previous years, faculty, staff, students engaged in research 会被邀请提交内容发表在这期杂志上吗. 这可能包括一次性的 大型项目的公告或更全面的更新. 提交流程 将于2024年5月公布. 信息将在博彩网址大全新闻链接,博彩网址大全 研究双周更新并张贴在这里. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact 凯文·林奇 at 凯文.p.lynch@taxidalat24h.net.