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Program Costs and Financial Aid

博彩网址大全努力使留学项目的费用具有相当的可比性 to tuition, room and board here at 博彩网址大全.

Study Abroad Rates

Additional Scholarship Opportunities

有许多国际外部奖学金和奖学金的机会 由致力于促进全球发展的独立组织资助 education. 这绝不是一个详尽的清单,但它提供了一个起点 if you’re interested in seeking additional financial aid.

Scholarship Databases

International Education Financial Aid
IEFA 是经济援助、大学奖学金和助学金信息的首要资源吗 for U.S. and international students wishing to study abroad. At this site, you will 找到最全面的大学奖学金搜索和助学金列表加上国际 学生贷款项目等信息,促进出国留学. 包含学生出国留学时可获得的奖学金的集合. 奖学金分为以下几类:择优奖学金、学生奖学金、 destination-specific, program-specific and subject-specific.

Institute of International Education Study Abroad Funding

博彩网址大全学会海外留学基金 详细介绍了数百个留学奖学金,奖学金, grants and paid internships for U.S. undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate students, and professionals.

Exploring Abroad

Exploring Abroad 包括一般奖学金名单,以及针对亚洲的奖学金, Australia, Europe and South America.

Financial Aid for Any Program

Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship

This scholarship provides awards for U.S. undergraduate students who are receiving 联邦佩尔助学金资助在两年制或四年制学院或大学参加 in study abroad programs worldwide.

Boren Awards

博仁奖学金和奖学金为美国学生提供独特的资助机会.S. undergraduate 并为研究生增加了重要的国际和语言组成部分 their educations.

Critical Language Scholarship Program

This is a program of U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.

Davis-Putter Scholarship Fund

戴维斯-普特奖学金基金为有经济困难的学生提供高达1万美元的奖学金 需要一直并继续积极参与社会/经济运动、正义的人 and peace. 该奖学金可以申请留学,如果项目包含一个社会 justice component.

Diversity Abroad

多元化海外与AIFS合作,提供10个500美元的全日制奖学金 在国外学习的本科生(包括社区学院和大学水平) during spring and fall semesters.

Foundation for Global Scholars

全球学者基金会是一个501(c)(3)非营利组织 其使命是通过帮助学生培养全球公民和领导者 在实现他们的个人和职业目标获得文化和学术 experiences abroad. 该基金会将通过颁发奖学金来支持这项使命 to help enable students to obtain an international experience. Students who are from 博彩网址大全中代表性不足的人口是一个优先事项.

Fulbright-mtvU Awards

富布赖特- mtvu资助项目为学生提供了沉浸其中的机会 在国际文化中通过奖励那些学生独特的项目利用 the power of music to encourage mutual understanding.

Institute for International Education

使用此链接查找针对你的东道国的奖学金. New scholarships are available every semester.

Rotary International, The Rotary Foundation

扶轮基金会的大使奖学金计划是世界上最大的 privately funded international scholarship program. An average of 800 scholarships are awarded annually. 通过总额约2600万美元的赠款,受助人 大约有69到70个国家的学生出国留学.

Travel Video Contest sponsors a travel video contest. This contest is held almost 每年都有4000美元的大奖和几个亚军奖.

Whitaker International Fellows and Scholars Program (rising seniors, graduate students)

最初由惠特克基金会创立,惠特克计划支持国际 从即将毕业的大四学生开始,在不断发展的生物医学工程领域开展合作 to post-­doctorate degree holders. The award covers travel, living expenses and tuition for fellows (partial or full, depending on host university).

Go Overseas Study Abroad Scholarship

出国留学奖学金向所有正在或有抱负的学生开放 abroad students. Scholarships are awarded each year. The scholarship is awarded based 通过撰写样本、照片展示创意和分析思维 and/or video submissions.

Financial Aid for Specific Locations

美国-斯堪的纳维亚基金会(ASF)-博彩网址大全瑞典计划美国-斯堪的纳维亚基金会(ASF)为毕业生提供奖学金和助学金 有兴趣在丹麦、芬兰、冰岛、挪威和新西兰学习或研究的学生 Sweden. Awards are granted for up to a year in any field of study.
East/Southeast Asia
Freeman-­ASIA弗里曼亚洲奖学金(Freeman- Asia)为美国学生提供奖学金.S. undergraduate 有经济需要到东亚或东南亚留学的学生.
北京汉语研究中心学期奖学金北京中心为美国学生提供三个1000美元的学期奖学金.S. students. These are academically awarded and require a brief essay. You must be accepted into the Beijing Center program to apply.
Graduate: DAAD Scholarships Undergraduate: German Academic Exchange Service学习奖学金为高素质的个人提供机会 在德国独立学习或在德国大学完成完整的硕士学位课程 university. All fields of study are eligible. The language of instruction for most programs is English.
Budapest, Hungary

Adorjan Scholarship Program, Hungary-Saint Louis University该项目资助博彩网址大全、圣路易大学和圣路易大学之间的学生交换 马德里路易斯大学和匈牙利布达佩斯的帕兹马尼彼得大学. The scholarship 包括参加合作院校的差旅费和额外费用 为那些通常负担不起学费的学生提供额外的支持 study abroad experience, ranging $2,000-$5,000.

John Felice Rome Center Scholarship-Loyola Rome Program约翰菲利斯罗马中心专门为博彩网址大全的学生提供各种奖项 in accredited, baccalaureate-granting U.S. institutions who will study abroad at the center during a subsequent semester.
Study Abroad in Japan: Bridging Scholarships日本教师协会赞助了过渡性奖学金来帮助他们 在日本参加留学项目的本科生的旅行和生活 expenses.
Seoul, South Korea
Sogang Global Scholarship西江大学授予西江全球奖学金,该奖学金约占奖学金总额的50% 校内宿舍费用,给选定数量的交换生.
Robert Tieken and Cristina Acosta Scholarship 博彩网址大全-Madrid为选定数量的美国学生提供学费奖学金.S. students who have been accepted to study abroad at 博彩网址大全’s campus in Spain.
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
越南学期奖学金提供给出国留学的访问学生 at the Loyola Vietnam Center who demonstrate financial need. Contact the study abroad team for additional information.